Gregg McLachlan Gregg McLachlan

The Hidden Impact of Fabric Banner Signage on Downtown Perception

Take a walk in your downtown and think about the perception of a first time visitor when they see the store signage. There’s a growing trend in some downtowns that is hurting this perception.

What is the growing trend? It’s the rise of low-cost fabric banners (representing the store’s main sign) that are nailed into wood or bricks, or put up using rope.

Just to be clear, we’re not referring to fabric promotional banners that are frequently used to advertise special sales or events.

When a downtown relies heavily on fabric banners nailed into wood as primary permanent business signage, it can unintentionally create a sense of decline in the eyes of consumers.

The Perception of Temporary and Unstable Businesses

Fabric banners, while cost-effective and easy to install, are often associated with temporary setups. Think pop-up shops, special events, or businesses that might not be around for long. When multiple businesses in a downtown core rely on this type of signage, it can send a subtle but powerful message that the area is in flux, struggling, or unable to sustain long-term investment in high-quality storefronts.

Visual Clutter and a Lack of Cohesion

A downtown thrives when it has a visually appealing and cohesive streetscape. Better designed, well-maintained signage contributes to a sense of pride and stability. In contrast, a patchwork of fabric banners, especially when weathered, torn, or inconsistent in design, can create visual clutter. And because they are flat, they provide zero streetscape enhancement. This lack of uniformity can make a once-charming downtown feel neglected and disorganized, ultimately discouraging foot traffic and consumer confidence.

Durability and Maintenance Issues

Unlike traditional signage made from durable materials like metal, wood, or acrylic, fabric banners are more susceptible to wear and tear. Over time, exposure to the elements causes fading, fraying, and sagging, which can give the impression that businesses, and by extension, the downtown itself, are not well-maintained. This visual decline can deter potential customers and make the area feel less inviting.

Frustration For Other Businesses

The proliferation of fabric banners as permanent signage on businesses can also be a source of frustration for other businesses who have invested in better signage. Imagine being this business and then be surrounded on either side by shops using fabric banners nailed into the front of the brick.

A Call for Thoughtful Signage Choices

Investing in high-quality, permanent signage can dramatically improve the perception of a downtown. While fabric banners can be useful for temporary promotions, they should not serve as a primary identifier for businesses. Encouraging business owners to invest in long-lasting, well-designed signage can enhance the overall aesthetic of a downtown, making it more attractive to both locals and visitors.

If you ever travelled to any small town on any Top 10 To Explore list, you’ll likely see one common trait with signage. There are blade signs everywhere!

Blade signs are a great idea for a downtown signage program that creates ‘vertical’ appleal on streetscape

We’re big fans of blade signs because they are more affordable, and can even be DIY if you have an imagination. Blade signs can dramatically enhance the vertical view of a downtown landscape which is a bonus for the pedestrian experience. Your municipality may offer a sign program that has matching grants or subsidies.

Photo: Downtown Bracebridge, ON

A well-maintained downtown signals prosperity, stability, and community pride. By making thoughtful choices about signage, business owners and city planners can help shape a downtown that not only thrives but also instills confidence in consumers, encouraging them to explore, shop, and invest in the local economy.

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Gregg McLachlan Gregg McLachlan

2024 Takeaway For Small Towns Across Canada

The year 2024 was another big one for Your Town Rising working across Canada with small towns on revitalization, marketing, and placemaking efforts. We've compiled our list of favourite takeaways for small-town inspiration in 2024:

Great places understand that revitalization is about hundreds and hundreds of small projects. There's no 'silver bullet' event or attraction to save a small town. Community building happens day-in, day-out with constant attention to the spaces, buildings, environment and people around us. Start with litter and invite others to join you in a street clean up. Seriously. Because it’s all of our jobs to care about the appearance of our town.

Where is your town on the Likeability vs Loveability Scale? To make a town loveable, you need to cultivate a sense of pride and shared identity that resonates with residents. Focus on actions that grow relationships, preserve local culture, and create spaces where people feel at home. Striving to make your town loveable transforms it into more than just a location. It becomes a cherished part of everyone’s story... and attracts more visits.
Towns will ‘rise up’ when the community feels empowered and takes an active role in revitalization. Each citizen can shift the “They should" mindset, to “I can / We can". Have an idea or concern? Try a coffee meet up in a relaxed setting. Chat together about your hopes and dreams. Brainstorm ways to move forward with immediate small steps. And then just start. No reports needed!

When considering new events for your town try to think out-of-the-box. Offering something different will set your town apart in a sea of sameness. Unique events that reflect your town’s distinct character, history, or community spirit can spark curiosity and make your town a destination people talk about and return to. You'll help generate more Excited Word-of-Mouth rather than General Word-of-Mouth. A big difference!

Be willing to experiment, get creative (and falter). Want to add public art downtown, but you fear vandalism? Find inexpensive ways to get started and test the waters. Old painted frames, plywood boards, donated pieces of Coroplast are easily accessible, low-cost materials. If vandalism occurs, take the piece down, tweak the location and put something right back up! Shut down the ‘vandalism narrative’ with positive action, over and over again. And watch vandalism fade away.

It’s essential to step outside the familiar to view your town through the eyes of a first-time visitor. Familiarity can blind us to untapped potential. Honest conversations are a must! A visitor brings a fresh perspective, noticing things that locals overlook, including opportunities to showcase your unique character. Inviting someone from outside will foster a deeper understanding of how your town is perceived, to be able to pinpoint the actions that will make a meaningful impact.

hashtag#placemaking hashtag#strongtowns hashtag#revitalization hashtag#smalltowns

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Gregg McLachlan Gregg McLachlan

Sparking Community Spirit Along the Yellowhead Highway 16 Corridor

Nestled in the heart of rural Manitoba, six small towns along the Yellowhead Highway 16 corridor are brimming with potential.

When we travelled to rural Manitoba in September 2024 to work with six towns and villages, we couldn’t help but be inspired ourselves at the wave of enthusiasm that greeted us in Russell, Binscarth, Shoal Lake, Strathclair, Minnedosa, and Neepawa. We were hired to visit these towns, lead daytime walkabouts in the communities to learn about the challenges, and see opportunities to kickstart community-led revitalization. After listening and gathering information, our next step is creating tailored presentations filled with innovative marketing ideas, placemaking, community-building, and public art projects specific to each town.

That's important because each community has its own unique character and charm. Our goal is to ignite passion among local residents and stakeholders, encouraging them to reimagine their towns as vibrant hubs of culture and community… not just for locals but also as a means to seeing the potential for their communities to become destinations.

Placemaking and creative marketing ideas were central themes throughout our evening presentations in the communities. Residents learned the importance of community building through creating inviting public spaces that foster social connections and enhance the overall quality of life. Attendees recognized that the key to successful initiatives lies in collaboration and engagement. By bringing together diverse groups — business owners, artists, and local leaders — the groundwork was laid for seeing new opportunities.

The towns quickly grasped how art can serve as a catalyst for change and expression. Local artists and community members brainstormed our ideas for town-specific murals, sculptures, and interactive installations that reflect their unique identities and stories.

As we wrapped up our week-long work in the Yellowhead Highway 16 corridor region, the excitement was palpable. Each community walked away with actionable ideas and a renewed sense of purpose. We also gave the towns specific ‘challenges’. These special challenges are designed to get towns doing immediate actions based on our recommendations. Tip: See below what Neepawa, Manitoba did less than three weeks after our visit!

The potential for growth along the Yellowhead Highway 16 corridor is immense. With the enthusiasm sparked by our visit, we know these six communities are poised to become shining examples of small-town revitalization in rural Manitoba. By embracing innovative marketing, placemaking, community-building, and public art, they are crafting a vibrant future that honours their heritage while inviting new opportunities.

Psst! Keep an eye on Russell, Binscarth, Shoal Lake, Strathclair, Minnedosa, and Neepawa — they are just getting started!

Challenge Recommendation Case Study

One of our challenges to the town of Neepawa, Manitoba was to immediately enhance a section of the downtown that was boarded up. The town, with the help of high school arts students, took action and accepted the challenge in less than three weeks after our visit! Now it's a go-to spot for street art!

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Gregg McLachlan Gregg McLachlan

Momentum is building in Wellington North!

New interactive mural and parkette in the heart of downtown Mount Forest

Summer of 2024 saw us visiting the Township of Wellington North for downtown walkabouts and presentations in the towns of Mount Forest and Arthur, Ontario. Each community is home to citizens who are proud of their roots and passionate about bringing new energy and revitalization efforts to life.

Mount Forest boasts a busy, four-block downtown core with a good mix of retail and services for the surrounding area. The architectural details of the buildings along the main street are a ‘show-stopper’, as is the stunning, interactive wings mural and adjacent parkette. We had a great time with a group of downtown stakeholders, coming up with creative poses at the mural which would later be highlighted on social media reels.

Fires and building demolition along the main street have presented challenges for Mount Forest, as they navigate fenced and boarded off construction zones. Our presentation proposed creative solutions to these fenced area and a push for the Downtown to take immediate steps to enhance bare wooden boards. Within two weeks of our visit, local business owner Erin Kiers of Hybrid Hair & Detox Spa, organized the painting of a mural along the longest stretch of construction boards. The artwork reflected the theme of the renowned Mount Forest Fireworks Festival which was just around the corner. It was a huge hit with the community and perfect timing to celebrate this new spark. In Erin’s words: “I’m so grateful to Your Town Rising for bringing a breath of fresh area and inspiration to Mount Forest and look forward to wreaking more joyous havoc in the future!”

Our full day in Arthur was highlighted by the downtown improvements that had been accomplished since our previous visit and the energy of the community to keep the revitalization efforts going! We took note of new sidewalk bump-outs, beautiful planters and additional seating along the main street. There were also new public works of art on display and a fabulous new coffee and sandwich shop downtown.

The top end of Arthur’s main street is anchored by a beautiful parkette, with the town cenotaph, historical mural, outdoor seating and mature trees that provide a wonderfully shaded space for the community. We highlighted opportunities to increase usage of this public space with pop-up events and additional lighting that could be projected into the tree canopy to create a magical evening ambiance.

Great feedback has been received since our visit. Arthur BIA is exploring increased tree planting in the heart of main street, creative lighting options as well as a new message board. One of our challenges for local businesses was to connect with each other on social media platforms and to support, share posts and ‘shout out’ each downtown shop to build local love and increase marketing impact. Check out @arthurdowntownbia and @mountforestbia to see the continued momentum and excitement that’s building in these two wonderful towns!

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Gregg McLachlan Gregg McLachlan

Smiths Falls gets inspired by visit from Your Town Rising

Loads of ideas for Smiths Falls, Ontario!

We’ve just wrapped up a wonderful roadtrip to Smiths Falls, Ontario to work with the Downtown Smiths Falls Business Association (DSFBA) in eastern Ontario.

The DSFBA was looking to take the next step following revitalization and infrastructure construction in the core. The recent construction project included the replacement of underground infrastructure, like storm systems and watermains, as well as the installation of new concrete curbing and large side walks, parallel parking lanes, fully separate cycling tracks, landscaping, new furniture, a new pedestrian crosswalk, pedestrian and street lighting and new signal infrastructure that meets the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

Downtown Smiths Falls hired Your Town Rising to visit the town, do a DSFBA-led walkabout, and present our findings and recommendations for next steps for community-building, placemaking and public art projects.

After the morning walkabout, and our own walkabouts, we spent an entire afternoon brainstorming ideas based on our own observations, listening to the DSFBA members tell stories, discuss challenges, and hopes and dreams for the downtown.

At our evening presentations, we presented a ton of marketing, social media, and placemaking ideas specifically tailored to the downtown, its identity, and its goals. Many of our ideas were designed to be immediately doable and not tied to waiting for reports and grants.

We even left the downtown association with two challenges designed to be implemented within seven days after our visit to begin community-building actions.

“Thank you both so much for coming! It's just what our group needed,” said DSFBA board member Christin Storms. “Everyone left last night so incredibly inspired with loads of ideas. I can't wait to send you our updates!”

Thank you Downtown Smiths Falls Business Association for your enthusiasm and awesome welcomeness during our visit! We can’t wait to see what you do next!

Gregg at the new planters, benches, and mural in downtown Smiths Falls, Ontario

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Gregg McLachlan Gregg McLachlan

Don’t Let Vandalism Deter Your Public Art and Placemaking

We’ve seen it many times in some small towns. Activities such as a holiday lightup in a park soon makes annual headlines because vandals smashed some lightbulbs, or some art work in a downtown is vandalized.

This becomes an ever greater problem for your activities when these acts of vandalism are reported on social media and the inevitable ‘keyboard warriors’ start bashing everything related and unrelated about your community. It ends up going down rabbit holes that amplify the negative comments as being the ‘reality’ of your town.

Public art and placemaking initiatives have the remarkable ability to transform urban spaces, injecting vitality and creativity into the heart of a community. However, with this creative expression often comes the risk of vandalism, which can deter communities from investing in such endeavors. Yet, in the face of adversity, there lies an opportunity for resilience and unity.

In this blog post, we explore how communities can overcome vandalism and continue to foster a vibrant downtown through public art and placemaking.

Embrace the Resilience of Public Art

Public art serves as a canvas for community expression, reflecting the unique identity and spirit of a place. From murals adorning alleyways to sculptures gracing public squares, these installations enhance the aesthetic appeal of urban environments while fostering a sense of belonging among residents. However, the very nature of public art makes it susceptible to vandalism. Yet, rather than succumbing to despair, communities can choose to embrace the resilience of public art.

Turning Vandalism into Victory

First of all, if there is vandalism, fix it quietly and move on. Repeat that mantra three times every times there’s vandalism. You don’t need to loudly publicize acts of vandalism. Otherwise you’re just feeding the vandals’ reason to vandalize in the first place.

Vandalism, though disheartening, presents an opportunity for resilience and renewal. Instead of viewing it as a setback, communities can use acts of vandalism as catalysts for positive change. For instance, when a mural is defaced, it can spark conversations about the importance of art and the need to protect communal spaces. Moreover, the process of restoring vandalized artwork can bring community members together, fostering a sense of solidarity and collective ownership.

Community Engagement and Ownership

One of the most effective strategies for combatting vandalism is fostering community engagement and ownership of public art projects. By involving residents in the creation and maintenance of these installations, communities can instill a sense of pride and responsibility. Moreover, by establishing neighbourhood watch programs or enlisting local artists to periodically refresh murals, communities can actively protect against vandalism while nurturing a culture of creativity and collaboration.

Educate and Raise Awareness

Another crucial aspect of mitigating vandalism is education and awareness-raising. Many acts of vandalism stem from ignorance or a lack of understanding of the value of public art. By educating residents about the significance of these installations and the impact of vandalism on the community, communities can foster a culture of respect and appreciation. Additionally, promoting dialogue between artists, residents, and policymakers can lead to the implementation of strategies to prevent vandalism and ensure the longevity of public art projects.

Celebrate Success and Perseverance

Despite the challenges posed by vandalism, it is essential for communities to celebrate their successes and perseverance. Each restored mural, revitalized public space, or new art installation represents a triumph of creativity and resilience over adversity. By highlighting these achievements, communities can inspire others to invest in public art and placemaking initiatives, fostering a cycle of positivity and growth.

Let us turn vandalism into victory and continue to cultivate dynamic urban spaces that reflect the spirit of our small towns and communities!

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The Year-Round Magic of Events, Public Art, and Placemaking

In winter and shoulder seasons, is your small-town downtown absent of activities, events, public art, and placemaking efforts? Is the grey of sidewalks the most colourful thing? Ugh. In our visits to dozens of small towns for work, we’ve noticed one big difference between successful vibrant downtowns and struggling downtowns: Successful downtowns are activated in all seasons.

While many small town downtowns come alive during the warm embrace of summer, it's essential to recognize the untapped potential of these centres throughout all seasons. Transforming these spaces into year-round hubs of activity through events, public art, and placemaking not only enhances the local economy but also fosters a sense of community and pride.

Here are some reasons why your downtown shops, BIA or chamber needs to embrace the importance of keeping small town downtowns active in every season.

  • Economic Boost Beyond Summer:

Small towns often rely on tourism during the summer months to boost their local economies. However, a thriving downtown can generate year-round revenue. By hosting events such as winter festivals, holiday markets, or fall-themed gatherings, businesses in the downtown area can attract visitors and keep the local economy vibrant even when the temperature drops.

  • Fostering Community Connection:

A lively downtown acts as a gathering space, fostering a sense of community among residents. Events throughout the year provide opportunities for people to come together, celebrate local traditions, and build relationships. Whether it's a spring art fair, a fall harvest festival, or a winter holiday parade, these events strengthen the social fabric of the community, creating lasting connections between residents and local businesses.

  • Public Art as a Catalyst for Change:

Public art has the power to transform small town downtowns into vibrant, visually appealing spaces. Murals, sculptures, and installations can tell the town's story, create a unique identity, and even become tourist attractions. Embracing public art in all seasons ensures that the downtown area remains visually engaging, drawing both locals and visitors alike throughout the year.

  • Placemaking for a Welcoming Atmosphere:

Placemaking involves transforming public spaces into welcoming and engaging environments. It goes beyond physical changes to include programming and events that make these spaces enjoyable. By incorporating placemaking strategies, small towns can create lively, inviting downtowns, enhancing the overall experience for residents and visitors alike, regardless of the season.

  • Diversifying Cultural Offerings:

Each season brings its own charm, and by curating events that reflect the uniqueness of each time of year, small towns can diversify their cultural offerings. From spring concerts in the park to fall film festivals and winter art installations, providing a variety of experiences ensures that there's always something happening in the downtown area, catering to different interests and demographics.

So let’s start making sure that ‘sidewalk grey’ isn’t the predominate colour and theme of your small-town downtown in winter and shoulder seasons.

The key to sustaining a thriving small town downtown lies in recognizing its potential beyond the warm summer months. Through year-round events, public art installations, and thoughtful placemaking, these spaces can become lively hubs that contribute to the local economy, strengthen community bonds, and celebrate the town's identity in all seasons. Embracing the year-round magic of downtowns ensures that they remain vital, dynamic spaces that locals are proud to call their own.

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Gregg McLachlan Gregg McLachlan

How To Be Successful With an Illuminated 'Word' Sign for Your Small Town

SOURCE: Global News

Have you ever driven past a dazzling neon sign showing a town’s name and it instantly caught your attention? Collingwood, Cambridge and Kingston, Ontario are three of such destinations that have created a ‘wow’ factor will illuminated signs.

So, it’s pretty simple, right? Just use taxpayer money and go get an illuminated sign made of your town name. And then the magic will instantly happen. Um, well it’s not that simple. In forward-thinking successful towns there’s a lot of thought that goes into what makes an illuminated ‘word’ sign awesome.

Illuminated signs have a unique ability to draw people in and leave a lasting impression. Whether it's a vintage neon sign or a modern LED display, these signs have the power to captivate and engage audiences. And they can be a savvy marketing tool too.

Or they can be a costly illuminated ‘word’ sign dud that just sits off to the side at festivals or in your downtown with no real purpose or audience engagement.

Before your town gets a ‘word’ sign, it’s important to understand it isn’t just about letters and coloured lightbulbs.

In a world saturated with advertisements, it's essential to create a sign that stands out from the crowd. Think outside the box and come up with a design that is eye-catching, memorable, and reflective of your town and community. It demands a clever design to make sure your sign has that "wow" factor that will make people stop and take notice.

First and foremost you need to make your ‘word’ sign be an interactive display. Your installation can spark curiousity and encourage passersby to engage with your sign and share their experience online. But only if you take the time to create something that not’s just letters with lightbulbs. (See pro tips below)

SOURCE: MyCollingwood

Here are some pro tips:

  • Placing your ‘word’ sign in one spot will make it a permanent landmark and grow local pride in it. Putting it on a flatbead trailer and hauling it out of storage once in and a while to only appear at select community parades and events will make it a costly part-time ‘sign’ that’s not a landmark.

  • Make sure your town’s ‘word’ sign is placed at ground level. Anything else is not making it accessible. People of all sizes and abilities want to interact with it. If it’s sitting five feet off the ground on a trailer or high cement base, peope can only look at it. That’s a fail in today’s social media era.

  • Carefully choose the font that you use. You know your costly illuminated ‘word’ sign is a creative flop if, for example, your town name has an ‘O’ among its letters but the ‘O’ is made in a squishy font that leaves no room for people to stick their head in the ‘O’ for social media photos. Oops.

  • Be savvy with the design and ensure it’s interactive. In Kingston, ON the design deliberately leaves out the ‘i’ so that people can stand between the letters and become the ‘i’. The thousands upon thousands of social media photos that Kingston generates each year through this savvy design speaks volumes!

  • Truly understand the correlation between a ‘word’ sign and social media. Photos of a sign on social media are boring. But photos of people interacting with your ‘word’ sign on social media are engaging! Know the difference before someone in the planning phase of your sign project says “Hey! A sign will be great for social media!” Um, probably not if you don’t understand social media.

  • Towns like Collingwood, Cambridge and Kingston can easily track social media engagement with their illuminated signs. Every year thousands of locals and tourists snap photos at these signs.

  • Remember: Your illuminated sign has the potential to become a local landmark and a catalyst for social media buzz. But it only happens if you embrace the power of social media, harness the attention-grabbing potential of illuminated signs. If you do these steps, watch your town's visibility soar across social media!

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Book now for spring 2024 visit


We’re now booking into spring 2024 for visits to small towns in Canada.

We believe the path to success doesn’t start with grandiose plans or million dollar handouts or reports and endless studies that end up sitting on shelves collecting dust. It truly begins at street level on a much smaller budget. It begins by ‘doing’. Our proven community-building approach is about giving you the inspiration and enthusiasm for creating momentum that snowballs.

Watch our new video to learn more

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Gregg McLachlan Gregg McLachlan

How naysayers and negative social media comments can cause decision-making paralysis in small towns

We’ve all seen this happen in small towns. A major project is proposed. There seems to be enthusiasm for it happening in the community. And then…. it happens. The naysayers start flooding social media platforms like Facebook with comments. Sure, some comments are constructive criticism. But many more are often abuse-filled personal attacks aimed at decision makers. What’s worse is that many comments go down rabbit holes that have absolutely nothing to do with the proposed projects.

Soon the decision-makers get cold feet. And the project gets shuffled off for further reports and public input meetings. And more than likely, in the end, shelved or drastically watered down.

In today's digital age, social media has become a potent force in shaping public opinion and influencing decision-making processes. While it offers a platform for community engagement and information sharing, it also presents a darker side - the prevalence of negative comments and naysayers.

In small towns, where close-knit communities strive to make important decisions, the impact of negative social media comments can be particularly detrimental.

The impact of negative social media comments in small towns

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and connect with others. It has become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing our opinions and shaping public discourse. In small towns, where community ties are strong, social media can have a profound impact on local decision-making processes. When negative comments flood the social media arena, it can hinder progress, stifle creativity, and paralyze decision-making.


Small towns are like close-knit communities where everyone knows everyone. While this sense of familiarity can foster a strong sense of belonging, it also means that negative comments on social media can hit close to home. In larger cities, negative remarks may get lost in the giant digital landscape, but in small towns, they can reverberate loudly, causing emotional distress and creating a toxic environment. These challenges make it crucial for small towns to address the impact of negative social media comments and find ways to navigate them effectively.

What is decision-making paralysiS?

Decision-making paralysis refers to the state of being overwhelmed and unable to make choices due to various factors, including negative social media comments. When faced with an influx of criticism and doubt, decision-makers in small towns may find themselves stuck in a cycle of indecision, afraid of making the wrong choice and facing further backlash. This paralysis not only impedes progress but also perpetuates a state of stagnation in the community.

The psychological and emotional toll of decision-making paralysis

Decision-making paralysis can take a significant toll on the psychological and emotional well-being of individuals in small towns. The constant fear of making a mistake, fueled by negative comments, can lead to heightened levels of stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. This internal pressure can erode confidence and hamper the ability to think clearly and rationally. The psychological impact of decision-making paralysis can extend beyond individuals to the community as a whole, hindering growth and stifling positive change.

This paralysis can lead to a community becoming a Have Not community because nay sayers often oppose anything shiny and new under the pretext that the community can’t afford it. When this mindset takes hold it starts to impact everything from infrastructure upgrades, new modern facilities, tourism marketing efforts, upkeep of existing facilities, etc.

Who are the sources and motivations behind negative comments?

Small town environments are not immune to naysayers and negative comments. These comments can originate from a variety of sources, including residents who feel threatened by change, outsiders with limited understanding of the context, or even individuals simply seeking attention. Understanding the motivations behind negative comments is crucial in addressing the underlying issues and fostering a more constructive dialogue within the community.

Understanding the psychological processes triggered by negative comments

Negative social media comments can trigger a cascade of psychological processes in small-town decision makers. The fear of judgment, the need for validation, and the power of public opinion can all play a role in amplifying the impact of negative comments. Decision makers may experience heightened self-doubt, second-guess their choices, and become overly cautious, ultimately hindering their ability to make timely and effective decisions.

This erosion of confidence not only impacts individual decision makers but also seeps into the fabric of the community, hindering progress and stifling innovation.

Leveraging social media for positive community engagement initiatives

Naysayers typically have a problem to every solution. They very rarely offer any vision for a community, beyond wanting to pay less and less taxes.

Small towns can leverage social media platforms for positive community engagement initiatives. Encouraging residents to share their ideas for the town's future, hosting virtual town hall meetings, and promoting local achievements can shift the online narrative towards positivity. By highlighting the strengths and potential of the community, small towns can inspire confidence and enthusiasm, counteracting the negative impact of social media.

Empowering small towns to make confident decisions despite negativity

While the prevalence of negative social media comments and naysayers can have a paralyzing effect on decision-making in small towns, it is crucial to recognize that naysayers should not be the defining factor. Keyboard warriors are usually not representative of the entire community. It’s only the platform they use (ie. Facebook) that makes it seem like they are the loud majority. Just remember that those keyboard warriors appear to spend so much time at their keyboard posting negative comments that they can’t possibly be physically out everyday shopping, volunteering, helping, supporting causes, working, etc in the community to know the real pulse of thinking. Hearsay doesn’t count, BTW.

By building resilience, fostering inclusive dialogues, and implementing responsible online engagement guidelines, small town leaders and community members can overcome decision-making paralysis. It is through collective efforts and a commitment to positive community engagement that small towns can rise above the negativity and make confident decisions that shape their town’s future. By empowering small towns, we can ensure that their potential is not overshadowed by the nay sayers, but rather driven by the strength of a small town’s resolve.

social media negativity in small towns
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